BD10 Sareks Nationalpark

BD10 Sareks Nationalpark

Topographic map at 1:100 000 BD10 Sareks Nationalpark edited by Lantmäteriets Fjällkarta.

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The opinion of Aventure Nordique

BD10 Sareks Nationalpark hiking and outdoor map. The map covers 3 national parks of Sweden: Sarek, Padjelanta and Stora Sjöfallets. This map allows you to discover the route to the west of Padjelantaleden: Akka, Kisuris, Låddejåkkå, Arasluokta, Staloluokta, Tuottar, Tarraluoppal, Såammarlappå (Tarradalen valley) Tarrekaise, Njunjes and Kvikkjokk. Some portions of the Nordkalottleden are represented: itinerary common with Padjelantaleden, then head south and linking Staddajåkkå and Pieskehaure. To the east, the map covers part of the Kungsleden, linking Vietas to Kvikkjokk (Saltoluokta, Sitojaure, Aktse and Rapadalen valley, Pårte). BD10 Sareks Nationalpark map is compatible with GPS (Sweref 99 TM grid).

Technical details

Manufacturer Norstedts
Country Sweden
Type Hiking map
Series Fjällkartan
Sheet reference BD10
Article number 9789158895881
EAN 9789158895881
Date of publication February 2009
Scale 1:100 000
Folded size 14 x 20cm
Additional information

Warranty 2 years
Country of Manufacture Italy

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