Storage bag for Colltex skins.

Storage bag for Colltex skins.

Storage bag for Colltex skins.

Availability: In stock & Available in our store


The opinion of Aventure Nordique

Polyester bag to keep skins clean and protect them during transport. It's a bag for storing your skins so that they don't 'drag' along the bottom of the bag... There's a space to write your name... so that you don't get your brushes mixed up with your friends :-)

Points to remember

Replacement storage bag. Does not contain skins. But if you've lost your bag, you can now replace it :-)

Technical details

Manufacturer CollTex
Product name Protective netting
Article number CTXSA
EAN 7611818851017
Sizes 37 x 25 cm
Weight 25 g
Colour Blue
Materials Polyester
Warranty 2 years
Country of Manufacture China

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