The opinion of Aventure Nordique
GearAid's Heroclip Medium is a hybrid attachment system that allows you to securely attach, hang and fasten your outdoor gear. Whether you're camping or backpacking, or in your garage, this suspension hook is a versatile and practical ally for hanging backpacks, sports bags, water filters, wetsuits, bikes, etc... It features a non-slip rubber tip on the hook.
Points to remember
The Heroclip Medium is a versatile aluminum clip that can support up to 27kg. It rotates 360° and features a swivel joint which allows it to be folded for compact storage. Use it to hang all kinds of objects: lamps, bags, water bags and filters, bicycles...
Technical details
Manufacturer | GearAid |
Product name | Heroclip Medium |
Article number | 763156 |
EAN | 0852579006439 |
Weight | 57 g |
Additional information |
Warranty | 2 years |
Country of Manufacture | China |
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