Southern Norway South

Southern Norway South

The Road Maps have updated information about roads, rest stops, natural scenery and tourist attractions, as well as petrol stations and EV charging stations.

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The opinion of Aventure Nordique

The road map have updated information about roads, rest shops, natural scenery and tourist attractions, as well as petrol stations and EV charging stations. Road map for Southern Norway South covers the area south of the Voss-Hamar line and down to Lindesnes.

Technical details

Manufacturer Nordeca
Country Norway
Type Road map
Sheet reference 2175
Article number 2175
EAN 7046660021750
Date of publication 2018
Scale 1:500 000
Folded size 14,2 x 20,7 cm
Weight 86 g
Additional information

Veikart Sør-Norge Sør

Warranty 2 years
Country of Manufacture Norway


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