SOL Map Compass Boussole Cartographique

SOL Map Compass Boussole Cartographique

Hiking plate compass with adjustable, graduated dial.

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The opinion of Aventure Nordique

The Cartographic Compass from the American brand SOL is an essential safety tool for mountain outings. And yes, sometimes the electronics don't work or the battery runs out! That will never be the case with this compass. Weighing just 30 grams and measuring 8.5 x 5.5 cm, it's easy to carry around in your pocket or around your neck. The base of the plate is rounded to make it easier to hold, so it won't hurt in your pocket.

The transparent plate has 2 graduations (1:50,000 and 1:24,000) on the sides and an inch scale on the front, as well as a sighting arrow. The dial can be rotated through 360°, with the possibility of calculating degrees and the presence of the ‘house’.

This compass also calculates the inclination of the slope.

Points to remember

The Cartographic Compass from the American brand SOL is a compass in the form of a plate that fits in your pocket. It is equipped for easy and correct orientation: you can measure azimuths, aim and calculate the percentage of slope.

Technical details

Manufacturer SOL
Product name Map Compass Boussole Cartographique
Article number SOLB0026
EAN 0707708200267
Sizes 5,5 cm x 8,5 cm x 1 cm
Weight 30 g
Hemisphere North
Graduations Degrés
Additional information
  • For use in the northern hemisphere
  • Supplied with wrist strap
  • Dial rotates 360
  • Degree graduations
Warranty 2 years
Country of Manufacture China

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