BD9 Padjelanta - Sulitelma

BD9 Padjelanta - Sulitelma

BD9 Padjelanta – Sulitelma - 1:100 000, hiking map Lantmäteriets Fjällkarta

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The opinion of Aventure Nordique

BD9 Padjelanta – Sulitelma hiking and outdoor map. The map covers Padjelanta National Park and part of Stora Sjöfallet and west of Sarek. Southeast of the map, there is the Tarradalen valley and the refuge of Såmmarlappastugan. In the southwest, the mountain of Sulitelma, the refuge Pieskehaurestugan and the area border with Norway: Jukerdal Nasjonalpark. BD9 Padjelanta – Sulitelma map is compatible with GPS (Sweref 99 TM grid).

Technical details

Manufacturer Norstedts
Country Sweden
Type Hiking map
Series Fjällkartan
Sheet reference BD9
ISBN 9789158895874
Date of publication february 2009
Scale 1:100 000
Folded size 14x20cm
Additional information

Warranty 2 years
Country of Manufacture Italy


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